Arafa Holding is committed to maintaining a safe and hygienic workplace and we have detailed policies and procedures that are owned and reviewed by a dedicated Health and Safety Committee. The Committee is chaired by a senior manager and includes senior level and worker representatives from all factories.

Health and Safety training, which is part of the general induction process for all employees, is also undertaken on a regular basis . Randomly selected workers from various departments within the company are also given refresher training on basic safety procedures including first aid and fire-fighting techniques. A fully equipped clinic is available with qualified nursing and medical staff onsite daily.

All of our manufacturing facilities are well lit and adequately ventilated with well-maintained, safe machinery that is inspected regularly. The factories are equipped with fire-fighting equipment, large underground water reservoirs and high-pressure hoses for maximum firefighting capabilities.

Management requires thorough investigations and detailed reports for all onsite accidents in order to avoid future incidents. The company is currently in the process of establishing a “near miss” reporting system.